Maryland’s Senate race is one of a handful of federal races poised to decide which political party wins control over Congress. That means there’s plenty of polling, as the candidates and other interested parties search for indications of which way voters will go.

Republican former Gov. Larry Hogan and Democrat and Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks are vying for the open seat, along with Libertarian Party candidate Mike Scott and independent candidate Emmanuel O. Osuchukwu. The Maryland Green Party is planning to nominate a candidate next month.

The Baltimore Banner will keep a running compilation of polling. We’ll summarize recent polls, tell you what to know about how and why they were conducted — and who paid for them — and what they tell us about the state of the Senate race.

As the election season charges toward the November general, a new poll out Monday shows Alsobrooks ahead of Hogan.

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Public Policy Polling: Alsobrooks holds double-digit lead over Hogan

Who did the poll: Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning firm out of Raleigh, North Carolina.

What they found: Alsobrooks leads Hogan by 11 percentage points — 45% to 34%.

Methodology: The poll surveyed 635 Maryland voters by phone and text on June 19 and 20 and has a margin of error of 3.9 percentage points.

Key takeaway: Alsobrooks has a better net favorability than Hogan (+27 points to Hogan’s +17). While Hogan is well-liked by voters, he’s also viewed unfavorably by one-third of the electorate.

And Maryland Republicans who aren’t keen on Hogan a third time around are hurting his chances. The poll reported that 26% of Republicans view Hogan unfavorably. In a state where Democrats double the number of Republicans, party defectors make Hogan’s hill steeper. About 8% of Democrats view Alsobrooks unfavorably, a smaller proportion of a much larger voting bloc.

The Alsobrooks versus Hogan spread hasn’t changed much since May, when Public Policy Polling found Alsobrooks had a 9-point lead over Hogan.