Vice President Kamala Harris will hold an event in Maryland next week to mark the two-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning abortion protections, according to an announcement from President Joe Biden’s campaign.

No time or location for the Monday event was immediately available.

It’s Harris’ second visit to the state this month, following a gun violence-focused event June 7 with Democratic Senate nominee Angela Alsobrooks in Prince George’s County.

Democrats are emphasizing abortion as an issue, arguing the only way to guarantee continued access — even in blue states like Maryland — is for Democrats to control the White House and Congress.

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The issue will be front and center in Maryland’s Senate race, where Alsobrooks, the Prince George’s County executive, is facing Republican former Gov. Larry Hogan.

Hogan, who has said he is personally against abortion, announced shortly after he won the nomination that he would support a national law allowing abortions up to 26 weeks after pregnancy. Alsobrooks has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood and argued Hogan can’t be trusted on the issue.

Democrats hold a two-vote majority in the Senate and Maryland’s Senate race could help determine control of the chamber.

Maryland voters will also decide this fall whether the right to an abortion should be added to the state constitution.